Corporate Classes

One of my main passions is teaching corporate yoga, bringing yoga to people who would greatly benefit from it. I currently offer weekly corporate classes ideal for reducing stress, soothing desk bodies, and providing either a lunchtime “pick me up”, or an end of day “wind down”.
In addition to these corporate classes, I also teach at a number of wellness events and employee workshops/team meetings bringing a range of yoga, mindfulness, and stress management tactics to the corporate world in a clear and easy to understand way.

"The Desk Body"
Hip flexors and hamstrings shorten & tighten
Back muscles stiffen and weaken over time from lack of use
Front of shoulder joint and rotator cuff muscles shorten causing a kyphotic rounding in the thoracic spine
The inefficiency of these muscles causes the body to shift more weight into the lower spine overloading the vertebral discs
The pressure then builds between these lower discs and the muscles strain to accommodate the altered curve
The postures used in my corporate yoga sessions target the anatomy issues that arise resulting from the "desk body"
My sessions are designed to strengthen muscles, and correct poor postural slouching habits by targeting the deepest connective tissues of the body (fascia), as well as developing a calmer, stronger, more focussed mindset